What makes you stand out?

At the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) we have a "Quarter Mile." The quarter mile is a pathway leading from dorm side to academic side that thousands of students walk every day, during the school year.

I arrived at RIT in September to start my Freshman year of college. After walking the quarter mile "everyday" for a few months, I started to recognize and notice a few people that stand out from the rest of the crowd. Each individual has their own style or characteristic that will catch your eye.

These people not only stand out to me, they are known around campus. I've asked a few people "Have you seen the girl with the.....?" or "Have you seen the guy with the cool.....?" Many people I've talked to about these "stand out people" will say " I know them! Well, I don't know them, but I know of them."

I found this interesting that one person could be known by only their appearance and I want to give these Quarter Mile Celebrities a chance to tell their story on my blog.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


First Impression: When I first saw Nicky on the quarter mile I did a double take.  With his six-inch heels, screaming "fashionista", I was jealous.  Every time I saw him on the quarter mile, I would stare in amazement.  At RIT, fashion isn't always appreciated; seeing Nicky was super refreshing and reminded me of the fashion world I love.

What is your major? What year are you?
I am a fourth year multi-disciplinary focusing on design and business.

Where are you from?
Hong Kong.  I came over when I was thirteen, a freshman in high school. Despite this, English is my primary language. My family is in Hong Kong and I go back to visit them.

What are you planning on doing after college?
I am trying to find a job or internship as an assistant or buyer in the fashion world. For example, working for Macy's: what product to buy and for how much. You have to know the trends. I am "HUGE on fashion."

How  do you think your style reflects you as a person?
Fashion is a huge part of my life and I've always known that since I was little.  I do design work and draw all the time. Dressing up, investing my time, expressing creativity. How some people  have a passion for drawing or art,  I have a passion for fashion.

How do you see yourself?  
As a little rebellious, out of the box, doesn't fit in, but I don't really care.

How would your best friend describe you?
Sometimes they don't agree with my style or decisions but they love me anyways. Instead, they enjoy my creativity, and appreciate that. I don't care what people think and I stay true to myself.

Is there anything you want people to know about you when they read my blog?
I encourage people to come up and say hi. I am open to people's opinions, if you have something to say, feel free to. I would rather have you understand and get to know me than judge right away.

follow Nicky on twitter:  @imnickyip