What makes you stand out?

At the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) we have a "Quarter Mile." The quarter mile is a pathway leading from dorm side to academic side that thousands of students walk every day, during the school year.

I arrived at RIT in September to start my Freshman year of college. After walking the quarter mile "everyday" for a few months, I started to recognize and notice a few people that stand out from the rest of the crowd. Each individual has their own style or characteristic that will catch your eye.

These people not only stand out to me, they are known around campus. I've asked a few people "Have you seen the girl with the.....?" or "Have you seen the guy with the cool.....?" Many people I've talked to about these "stand out people" will say " I know them! Well, I don't know them, but I know of them."

I found this interesting that one person could be known by only their appearance and I want to give these Quarter Mile Celebrities a chance to tell their story on my blog.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Victor Santiago

First Impression: Every time I see Victor on the Quarter Mile he is always smiling. The first time I saw him, I noticed his big smile, and  it made me smile. He is one of those people that you see around and just want to get to know. Victor is very friendly and super active around campus. He makes a great Quarter Mile Celebrity!

What is your major? What year are you?
Fourth year, graphic design major. I am minoring in ASL deaf studies and communications.

Where are you from?
Rochester, New York, so I'm local.

What are you planning on doing after college?
Well, being here I got to do a lot of extra-curricular activities, so it's helped me figure out what I want to do.  I want to apply for student affairs graduate school. I would like to work at any campus that will take me. If I could work at RIT in some student aspect that would be great!

How do you think your style reflects you as a person?
I'm one of those people who doesn't really care so much what people say. I usually wear letters of Pi Kappa Phi, the fraternity I am member of.  I'm approachable.  I'm very mellow, I'm not much a brands kind of guy.

How do you see yourself?  
I just feel like I'm a regular student, a lot my friends are like, "Everybody knows you". It takes me like 1/2 hour to walk down the quarter mile because I'm always stopping to say hi or talk to someone. It's gotten to the point where some people know me and I have no idea who they are.

How would your best friend describe you?
He'll say sometimes I have no filter. He'll say I'm always giving a help hand and that I can never say no. He would say I'm funny, kind, and that sometimes I can be annoying, after hanging out for hours after hours. We know way to much about each other. Sometimes people call us a married couple because we are always arguing.

Is there anything you want people to know about you when they read my blog?
If you know me and I don't know you, introduce yourself to me.  If you want to say hi or need information on anything around campus feel free to ask me.  I don't bite!