What makes you stand out?

At the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) we have a "Quarter Mile." The quarter mile is a pathway leading from dorm side to academic side that thousands of students walk every day, during the school year.

I arrived at RIT in September to start my Freshman year of college. After walking the quarter mile "everyday" for a few months, I started to recognize and notice a few people that stand out from the rest of the crowd. Each individual has their own style or characteristic that will catch your eye.

These people not only stand out to me, they are known around campus. I've asked a few people "Have you seen the girl with the.....?" or "Have you seen the guy with the cool.....?" Many people I've talked to about these "stand out people" will say " I know them! Well, I don't know them, but I know of them."

I found this interesting that one person could be known by only their appearance and I want to give these Quarter Mile Celebrities a chance to tell their story on my blog.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Stand Out On a Large Campus

How to Stand Out On a Large Campus- eHow.com

            RIT is considered a "large campus" with a student body consisting of 17,652 students. When you go to a school with such a large student body, it's hard to stand out and not be considered just another face in the crowd.  I can walk down the quarter mile and see tons of people I know and then the next day not recognize any faces.  The tips on ehow.com can help you stand out.

             I found myself reading these tips saying to myself; 'Yes, these tips actually work".  Tip number 1; many of the students involved in student government I have met and can point out from seeing them at events, on posters, and all over campus. Tip number 4; if you wear a silly hat or a unique object every day, I guarantee you will be standing out in no time. Tip number 5; this tip definitely works, i.e Kelley on her crutches.  Tip number 8 is a little odd, but hey, if you think it'll work for you, then go for it.

            For example the freshman senator- Paul Darraugh.  I have seen his face on posters all through the tunnels and his unique features make him stand out on campus.  I recently introduced myself to him because I was tired of seeing his smiling face all over the place. I went up to him and said, "Hi, I'm Jenna Clark, I see you all over!" I think he was a little taken back but he was super friendly and nice to talk to.

            Another girl that I actually heard about in the first week of college is the girl that wears a Santa hat all year long. Which relates back to tip number 4. I think that is so unique and I've never heard of anyone doing something like this. I definitely would love to interview her for my blog.

            If you are trying to stand out on campus, follow these tips, and maybe I'll be blogging about you next!

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